My daughter, Nada, was born in March, the month of Aquamarine. When she become of age to wear jewelry, I started building her wardrobe with Aquamarine Jewelry pieces. However, I noticed that she never showed much excitement. When she became a teenager, ten years ago, Black Diamonds became noticeable in the market and became an option for fine jewelry.
Nada started working with me when she became sixteen years old. At that time the color pink was also very fashionable, such as pink topaz, pink tourmaline, pink sapphire and even pink cubic zircon that was commercially named as pink ice. I gave Nada a Pink Tourmaline pendent, she took it but did not wear it.

You may be surprised at the thought of a diamond being black. Don’t be fooled by its name, there is nothing bland about these diamonds. It sparkles in a mysterious way and catches the light with the same fierceness as white diamonds. Some studies consider Black Diamonds to be of extraterrestrial origin. Something about the chemicals found inside of them makes them a complete obscurity to scientists. That’s about as mystifying as a stone can be, and I can’t get enough of them.
Let me give you another example. My wife, Hasmik, was born on February, 14th. Her designated birthstone is an Amethyst. And because she was born on February 14, Valentine's Day, she likes, Roses, Hearts and Amethyst Jewelry. Well she likes Roses a lot, and she can not have enough of them. She likes jewelry way too much, but she does not like Amethyst or heart shape stones. She actually loves the color green. All shades of green from light spring green like Peridot to deep dark green like Emerald and Green Tourmaline. Now, what you do expect me to do? Of course I stopped giving her Amethyst and hearts shaped jewelry, but continued with Roses, Peridot and Emerald.
When most people think about colored stones, they automatically think "what’s my birthstone?" The great news is, if you were born in August and you absolutely despise lime green Peridots, you don’t have to be stuck with it anymore! There is no rule that says each person must wear their birthstone or no gem stone at all. So do not limit yourself and pave the way for a new look that reflects the true you! I know a lot of you November babies hate Citrine (a brownish-yellow stone). If you don’t want to drift too far from your roots, you can opt for a sharper more vibrant yellow such as yellow tourmaline, yellow topaz, yellow zircon, yellow sapphire, or even yellow diamond.
Now, it’s time for you to pick a new birthstone. The best way to do this is to see the stones in person and match them next to your skin tone. We at Le Vive Jewelry consider ourselves the leading expert on colored gem stones. We carry a huge inventory of loose stones in every color, size, and shape imaginable. Browse our online store, or visit our Riverside store today and leave with a new gemstone and a new look!
To like or not to like your birthstone, sometimes depends also on how it was presented for you. One of the main factors in disliking a type of stone is the design and the quality of the gemstone used by the jeweler. A poor grade or wrong setting can give a bad impression of the true potential of a colored gemstone. At Le Vive, most of our gemstone jewelry incorporates high quality natural gemstone and high quality full cut diamonds, surrounding the gemstones that show fire and scintillation. More importantly the uniqueness of the design, and the expert craftsmanship we provide will show the beauty and rich color of our gemstone jewelry.